We get Design but we’re not Designers, yet.

By Chu on February 26, 2018 — 1 min read

After going through a painful web design process for a friend, I never want to make a website that’s not mine again.

To really get going this year, we need an in-house designer. Design fascinates me, but I’m not a designer and can’t do it at the quality or speed that’s critical for our work here.

So here’s what works for right now:

  • intermediate level Javascript, WordPress, HTML, CSS, Adobe Creative suite are the basics. Extras are welcome.
  • most ideal would be someone who has a keen awareness of design, and has chosen this field for the rest of their foreseeable career.
  • 2+ years of experience would be the sweet spot as it’s enough time for a freelancer to have learnt to manage their work stream and turnaround projects with minimal supervision.

 You’ll be primarily:

  • building out a design portfolio and identity by working on private label graphic and web designs for Ajared.
  • spending time between projects studying design and teaching or learning more about it at an institution.
  • responsible for managing career path using company as a spring board and partner for opportunities, working with multi-disciplinary professionals on projects.

If you’re able to freelance and work remotely on design projects, give R&D at Ajared a shot. Leave a few lines saying ‘why you design’ and a link to your portfolio at innovation@ajared.ng or tweet @geoponge with the same.

We get design but we can’t be designers yet…until one joins us.

Learn more about our work here. Itching to start on something? A list of your favorite design related books would be a great addition to our reading list. Sorry, we can’t give any interview tips unless we could get away with it.

Posted in: Design


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