Creative Hitlist

By Chu on April 25, 2020 — 1 min read

Ed de Bono defines creativity as generating new value, while innovation is putting into operation something new that’s been created. I consider him one of the leaders in the field of creativity.

This post’s title comes from one of his recommendations that companies should put out a hit list of areas where they need excellent creative ideas. We call that crowdsourcing today.

Here are some quotes from my 1 day refresher on creativity from his perspective.

“Increases in technology have greatly improved our information. Our culture is good at description/analysis not creating value. How do you design value?”

“Design is putting together the things we have to create the values we want.”

“Creativity has to have value to qualify. “

“You can challenge an excellent idea by going beyond it or changing it”

“Universities should think skills – people skills, thinking skills, management skills, operational skills.”

Ed de Bono‘s How to Have a Beautiful Mind via Youtube

To get started on creativity with Ed de Bono, I recommend any of these books.

  • Simplicity
  • 6 Thinking Hats
  • Lateral Thinking.


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